Get your Bills to be paid as Regularly as Clockwork!
When you don’t want to take time out from your busy schedule you can benefit from KoopBank’s convenient, trouble-free payment services.
Forget about trying to keep track of the due date of your bills, make an Automatic Payment Request instead of thinking if they are paid on time or not. Use your time freely to enjoy yourself!
If you wish, get a bill payment limit (overdraft limit) to be specified for every bill payment request that you make. Even if there is no money in your account your bills are paid for.
If you prefer to pay your bills yourself, you can make your payments using our Internet Branch, Mobile Branch, through 600 02 02 Telephone Banking and from our branches.
Bill Payments
OptimumCard Payments
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I'm a small Introtext for the Register Module, I can be set in the Backend of the Joomla WS-Register Module.