You can also transfer funds whenever you wish from your laptop or mobile devices by using our Internet and mobile banking services. These transfers can be made to an account linked to your customer number or to any other account with us.
You will need your customer number/password and either a security code or one-time password for this transaction.
You can instruct us to link your customer number to your Koop24 or OptimumCard. This will allow you to easily make transfers without any need to quote your telephone or customer number while using one of our interactive channels such as an ATM, telephone, Internet or mobile branches.You can also create a list of “My transfers with instructions” and choose your transfers from this list via any of these interactive channels.
To add transfers to your “My transfers with instructions” list, you can use the “electronic banking update form” in any of our branches or directly at our Online branches.
You can also enter to our Internet Branch or Mobile Branch by using your OptimumCard and Koop24 card number and password as well.
Money transfers made between accounts held at different Koopbank branches are free of charge.